Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Manufacturing of Synthetic Fibers and Availability

The Manufacturing of Synthetic Fibers and Availability

Fineness of Staple :

A fiber must possess sufficient fineness of staple to be useful in the production of spun yarns. The principle fibers all have small diameters and a large number of them can be twisted together to yield a fine thread. Other things equal, the finer the staple of the fiber, the finer the yarn which can be produced form it. 

Porosity; Capillarity :

By this is meant that the fiber should be capable of easily adsorbing liquids and solutions and of permitting these thoroughly to permeate its substance. This property is important as it allows of the dyeing, bleaching, and otherwise preparing the fibers by modifying their natural condition.

Luster :

A further quality, which under certain conditions enhances the value of a textile fiber, is luster. Fiber possessing this quality to a marked degree, such as silk, mercerized cotton, and certain kinds of wool, are capable of producing a wide variety of beautiful effects.

Commercial Availability :

The second feature to which reference is made has principally an economic significance. In order to possess commercial value a fiber must be available in large quantity, and its supply must be more or less constant and readily marketed.

Synthetic Fiber :

Synthetic fibers or fibers are the result of extensive research by scientists to improve on naturally occurring animal and plant fibers. In general, synthetic fibers are created by forcing, usually through extrusion, fiber forming materials through holes (called spinnerets) into the air and water forming a thread. Before synthetic fibers were developed, artificially manufactured fibers were made from polymers obtained from petrol chemicals. These fibers are called synthetic fibers and and also called artificial fibers . Some of the fibers are made from plant cellulose. They are called as "cellulose fibers"

Manufacturing of Synthetic Fiber :

The fiber-forming polymers are solids and therefore must be first converted into a fluid state for extrusion. This is usually achieved by melting, if the polymers are thermoplastic synthetics. There are four methods of spinning filaments of manufactured fibers, wet, dry, melt, and gel spinning.

To be continue.....

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